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The node supports two modes.
- Color Matching:
match defined region with its nearest defined color
- Color Segmentation:
Segment Image with defined color
Use Case
When we want to use color on similar objects to distinguish them.
Node Settings
Color Image In: (DataType: Image) A color image.
- Color Function:
decide whether you want to use Color_Matching function or Color Segmentation function.
- Tolerance:
Range [0 ~ 100]
The global tolerance for color_samples. if you set this to 100, the tolerance will become infinite. default is 100.
- Confidence:
Range [0 ~ 100]
Represents how confident you can be that the best-matched color-sample actually is the best possible match.
For example, a high confidence indicates that the best-matched color-sample must be vastly superior to all other color-samples, while a low confidence indicates that the best-matched color-sample only needs to be marginally superior to the other color-samples.
Advance Settings
- Color Space:
Specifies the conversion mode that the operation uses.
- Match Distance:
Specifies the type of distance that the operation uses. Distance is the difference in color between the color-sample and the target area.
- Match Method:
Specifies the function used to match distance.
- Tolerance Mode:
Sets the strategy with which to use the tolerance value to calculate the acceptable (matching) color distance (tolerance) between the color-sample and a target area.
- Global Tolerance:
range [0.0, ~)
Sets the acceptable tolerance for the color distance between the color-sample and a target area. The greater the tolerance, the greater the distance (difference) between the colors can be, for them to match.
- Minimum Score:
range [0.0, 100.0]
Sets the acceptance level for the color-sample’s score. This score indicates the similarity between the color of the color-sample and the color of the target area. The higher the acceptance, the closer the colors must be for them to match.For a match, the color-sample must have a score that is greater than or equal to this level.
- Minimum Relative Score:
range [0.0, 100.0]
Sets the acceptance level for the target area’s relevance score. This score indicates the significance (relevance) of the match score. In statistics, this is similar to the confidence level; that is, it represents how confident you can be that the best-matched color-sample actually is the best possible match.
For example, a high relevance acceptance indicates that the best-matched color-sample must be vastly superior to all other color-samples, while a low relevance acceptance indicates that the best-matched color-sample only needs to be marginally superior to the other color-samples.
result: (DataType: ColorCheckerResult) Color Checker Output. So far this output is not used.