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Procedure of Using Color Checker Node

  1. Link input image.

2. Define search region. 1. Define Color. 2.

Define Region

In color segmentation, node will consider all defined region as a single combined region. In color matching, node will match each defined region to the nearest color sample.

There is 3 way for defining a region:

  1. Use Image Mask.

    Input a Image Mask that has same size as Color Image. Node will define only one single region base on the mask.

  2. Define from mod finder node

    Input a Mod Finder Result comes from mod_finder node Select one model in Mod Finder Result. One region will be defined for each object found from mod_finder. Draw mask on model to define the color match region related to object

  3. Define from display

    Draw a rectangle box from main display Draw mask for this region

Color Sample

The node will only match regions to defined color

There are 2 ways to define a color sample

  1. Define color by area.

    Draw a box on display, node will calculate the average color of this box, and save it as color sample value. Additionally, you can draw/erase mask to change pixels included when calculate average.

  2. Define color by value

    Define a RGB value as color sample. The color can be set from a color board, manually set HSV or RGB value, or pick a pixel’s color from the screen.